After a month of code crunching, I am pleased to announce that DB2Rest - 0.0.9 has been released.
Some of the key changes are listed below.
What's Change
- Support for sort.
- Replaced jOOQ with Mybatis Dynamic SQL for typesafe SQL creation.
- Support added for remote procedure calls - invoke stored procedures and functions over REST.
- Improve error reporting based on Problem detail specification.
- Support for custom SQL query execution.
- Support TSID column for primary key for both single or bulk records insert.
- Support both number and string based TSID auto-generation for any database.
- Bulk insert now supports both JSON and CSV content or records.
- Implicit multi table join based on path.
- Support - find one row.
- 52 new integration tests added.
- DELETE success operation now returns 204 (subject to change)
- Add data type conversion support for Java to SQL (ongoing)
Besides these changes we have created several automations to ensure better documentation and thoroughly tested releases going forward.
For example we have integrated Spring REST Docs with integration tests to auto generate examples and keep documentation in sync with code.
New Github Action has been added to ensure tests are always run for code push.
Whats's Next
Next release with we will improve the existing features to be more robust, bulk uploads and security features. This release is
expected to arrive end of February 2024.
The documentation is still behind schedule and work is underway to improve and add more documentation soon.