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Key Advantages

  • Low Code DATA API - No SQL knowledge required, instead use simpler REST Query Language (RQL).
  • Faster Application Delivery - Accelerate application development by 30x with DB2Rest taking care of all the boilerplate code and best practices.
  • Unlock Data - secure REST API access for legacy data.
  • Blazing Fast - No ORM, does not use code generation, uses Single SQL Statement, 1 Database round-trip.
  • Advanced Data Access Features - Support for advanced custom queries, bulk data insert, join, JSON data type, and remote stored procedure calls.
  • Best Practices Covered - Transaction Management, Connection Pooling,
  • Data Security - Support for encryption, masking, tokenization
  • API Security - Authentication, Authorization (data entitlement), policy - rate limiting, row limiting, etc.
  • Run Anywhere - Run on-premise, VM, Kubernetes, or any cloud in minutes.
  • Zero Downtime - Easily adjust to evolving database schema.
  • Unlock Data - Safely allow access to your legacy or new databases within your organization or with partners.
  • Reduce File Based Integration - File based integration is slow, costly, instead use DB2Rest to provide real-time integration with your data.