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Basic Auth

DBRest supports basic auth to protect the API end points. By default, auth is disabled in DB2Rest. It can be enabled by setting the ENABLE_AUTH environment variable to true.


If the parameter - ENABLE_AUTH is set to true, then authentication is enabled.

Auth Data Source

The security data source is kept separate from application properties. Currently only file based datasource is supported. The absolute path of the data file can be specified with the AUTH_DATA_SOURCE configuration parameter. An example to set auth data source is shown below:

$ export AUTH_DATA_SOURCE = `file://${user.home}/git/db2rest/auth/auth-sample.yml`

The auth data source parameter must be prefixed with file:// if the authentication data is sourced from a file. In case the data is loaded from a remote location prefix it with http or https.

Auth Data Components


The first attribute in the auth data file is the name. It is the name of the data file or project.

Resource Roles

In this section specify the protected resources or URI paths, HTTP method and the roles which are allowed to access this URI.

Excluded Resources

In this section specify the resources which are not protected by DB2Rest security with the URI Paths and the HTTP method.


In this section specify the basic auth user-name, password and roles associated with a system or user accessing the database resources.

Sample Data File

A sample auth data file is shown below:

name: db2rest-security

- resource: "/v1/rdbms/pgdb/actor/**"
method: post
- role2
- role3
- role4
- resource: "/api/v2/host"
method: get
- role2
- role3
- role4

- resource: "/v1/rdbms/**"
method: get
- resource: "/v1/rdbms/pgdb/factor"
method: post
- resource: "/v1/rdbms/**"
method: put
- resource: "/v1/rdbms/**"
method: delete

- username: admin
password: admin
roles: [role1,role6]
- username: root
password: 23456
roles: [role1,role4]
- username: tom
password: 32113
roles: [role3]


Live reloading of this file is currently not supported.

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

DB2Rest supports RBAC control out of the box when security is enabled. It will first check the users to match the user and password. In case of a successful match, it will go ahead and check the resource being requested is in the resourceRoles. If a matching resource is found, it will verify that the user's roles matches the allowed role list for the resource. Then the gate is opened to access the database resource.

Each request must provide the username and password in a base64 encoded format as part of the Authorization header.

curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:8080/v1/rdbms/pgdb/actor \
--header 'Authorization: Basic cm9vdDoyMzQ1Ng==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'User-Agent: insomnia/8.6.1' \
--data '{

"first_name" : "Salman 456",
"last_name" : "Khan"